The Work and The Woo
Intuitive Coaching
12 Week Container
"I take pleasure in my transformations. I look quiet and consistent, but few know how many women there are in me."
-Anais Nin
One of my core values in life as always been growth. If I'm not evolving, I often feel like I'm dying. My evolutions, though, don't really show up on the surface. They are taking place somewhere much deeper. It's the careful work of slowly easing your heart open after a decade of numbing out as a protection. It's the deconditioning of people pleasing and codependency, coming to prioritize the self and advocate for the self. It's taking your power back. The work of expanding your inner safety and capacity to feel joy without snuffing it out. It's patiently learning to manage anxiety so it becomes so completely background that you forget it's there. It's the gentle reestablishing of trust with the body so it feels like home again. It's the journey to self love which sometimes starts as self acceptance or maybe even just self tolerance, or a single moment of choosing the self.
This is the type of work that is for you, alone. The type that impacts every aspect of your life and yet is simultaneously invisible. The type that doesn't need external validation and might not even want to be shared. It's not a milestone that's celebrated with a bottle of champagne at a party. It's not a before & after photograph. It's not a congratulatory occasion with a card and a bouquet of flowers. It's not a societally-approved benchmark.
It's the quiet, consistent, return to the self. A great unwinding.
It's the deep dive into emotions that the body has been holding for months, decades, a lifetime. It's the setting free. It's the clarity that remains when the clouds part and the sun returns. The self behind the noise, the conditioning, the experiences that shaped our reality. It's self mastery, it's homecoming, it's the rediscovery of who you are beneath all the bullshit. Unraveling the moments of I'll never be this, I'll never have that. Shedding the conditioning that informs our self-bullying, the belief that something is inherently wrong with us, processing the traumas and mining for gold. Reminding yourself that you are worth it. Remembering you came here on purpose, with purpose.
It's using modalities, old and new alike. It's accessing your own inner wisdom through stillness and patient listening. It's breaking cycles and striking balance between doing and being. It's being held and nurtured when you need it, and feeling empowered to take your healing into your own hands. It's being held accountable to show up for you, gifting yourself the foundation of consistency. It's the blood, sweat and tears. It's loving yourself through it. It's gentle and heroic. It's the satisfaction and bliss after an exhausting session. It's the welcoming feeling from your heart that is always there waiting for you. It's the empowerment you gain as you plunge the depths and come back to the surface.
It's part grit and part magic.
It's all heart.
It's The Work and The Woo.
Intuitive Coaching
Energy Healing & Chakra Work
Subconscious Reprogramming
Past Life Regression
Sound Healing
Heart Work
Guided Meditation
This program is as unique and everchanging as you are. Designed to meet you where you are, week to week, and to provide a safe anchor while gently encouraging you to meet your edges. We will set a clear intention for our work together, leaving space for what wants to come through organically. We will employ modalities that address the mind, body, emotions and energy.
Areas of Healing
Heart Opening & Healing
Overcoming Codependency & People Pleasing
Releasing Limiting Beliefs
Self Love, Self Care, Self Choosing
Living in Energetic Alignment
Inner Child Work
Managing Anxiety Naturally
Igniting Your Personal Power
Anything you're seeking support in
We will meet virtually for an hour, weekly for 12 weeks. You can expect a loving witness, thoughtful questions, empowering support, guidance for playing with the energies you are working with, between session check-ins, and self work in our co-creative container. We will pull from the above modalities and anything else that may be of benefit. Coaching clients also have access to monthly Heart Work Workshop sessions during their 12 week container.
This path is for those who desire for different. For those who realize the current way isn't working and there's got to be more than this. This path is for those who desire to take an active approach to their healing. Yes we lean on the Woo, but there is also the Work. The showing up for the self, the bringing 100% effort, the overriding resistance and expanding beyond your comfort zone. Those small daily promises to the self which create a foundation for true self esteem.
The Work and The Woo
Payment Options
One payment of $2,222
Two payments of $1,111
Four payments of $555.50
If you are feeling the call to bring your healing into your own hands and make the changes you've been craving in your life, let's connect. Schedule a complimentary 30 minute discovery call with Amy to learn more about The Work and The Woo, If it feels aligned, we will move forward with scheduling, the intake form and the agreement.