Healing Haus
About Amy
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About Amy
A warm and thoughtful Leo with a deep and nurturing Cancer Moon, Amy truly loves empowering clients to take their healing into their own hands. She has an existential need for personal growth and evolution, and is passionate about relaying what she has learned. Holding space whether in circle or one-on-one fills her to the brim.
All Amy's offerings are ones that have served her on her own healing journey and that she still uses as part of her regular practice. She leans on a blend of what she affectionately refers to as, The Work and The Woo - also the namesake of her Coaching Container. Left-brained approaches like subconscious reprogramming pair beautifully with energy work and somatic releasing for a truly holistic approach.
Amy recognizes the crucial role that exploring the shadow side plays in the healing process. She is skilled at holding deep space and providing a feeling of safety as you spin your suffering into gold. Her reflections will keep you feeling empowered through this work, even as you uncover aspects of yourself you may resist.
Amy's personal healing journey involves a lifelong struggle with, and eventual acceptance for, her anxiety. She has shed codependency and people-pleasing in favor of authenticity and deep connection to herself. And lots and lots of heart opening.
Amy is grateful for the path it has all put her on which has led her to inspirational teachers, an enriching community, and ultimately, to herself.
Amy enjoys cuddling her beloved kitty, tending to her 40+ houseplants, travel and soul chats. She has a big appetite for learning and is always seeking new knowledge, experiences and topics which she brings to her sessions and shares with clients and, honestly, anyone who will listen! She's known for speaking candidly about her journey and for asking your sun/moon/rising within moments of meeting.
"Amy has such a natural talent and deep intuition which makes her Reiki work very powerful. Having a session with her was an extraordinary pleasure. It’s always a delight to work with someone who has found their true calling.”
-Heidi J
"I have recently begun intuitive reiki sessions with Amy Miller. The session itself is a wonderful healing experience where I come away feeling grounded, aligned, and connected. What I find most valuable and unique is the feedback from Amy of what my body was telling her during the session. It validates what I’ve been feeling and helps me to recognize areas where I need to make adjustments. Amy has an amazing and unique gift for healing. I highly recommend incorporating intuitive Reiki sessions with Amy into your holistic health regimen for anything in particular that is bothering you, or to stay in balance as you navigate this beautiful, and sometimes challenging life!"
-Christine M.
"I can’t recommend the Healing Haus enough! My session with Amy was such a treat and proved that she has an incredible gift. The energy healing she practiced on me was powerful and left me feeling balanced and full of light. After the session she took a good amount of time to debrief with me, explaining why I felt some of the sensations I did. She also shared some amazing self-care tips, encouraging me to continue practicing on my own at home, and answering a number of questions that I felt completely comfortable asking her. Trust your intuition when it leads you to Amy, I’m so grateful I did!"
-Megan O.
"I’m new to the healing world and didn’t really know what to expect from my session, but was so pleasantly surprised by how Amy made me feel so comfortable and held space for my personal story and needs. I felt as if a weight had been lifted after our session. Amy has truly special gifts to share and such a masterful way in which she presents them!"
-Leeanne B.
"Amy is such a healing light. In the two embodiment sessions I've done with her, I leave feeling stronger, more grounded. Amy's embodiment sessions are so beneficial and I can't wait to continue my healing journey to self-empowerment with the help of her coaching."
-Nikki B.
“Amy is amazing- hands down. I love working with her! Our embodiment session was great, I really felt supported through our session especially while I worked through lots of emotions. I felt so comfortable with Amy. She has such great energy and presence, it's hard not to feel comfortable with her! I felt such a release after our session and just felt energetically so much lighter. I would definitely do another session!”
-Vanessa B.
"Sessions with Amy always leave me feeling incredibly nourished. Amy is gentle and compassionate, yet her energy and ability to be present with me, is very powerful and healing. Her embodiment sessions help lead me into spaces that are not always easy to access on my own."
- Lauren B.